Privacy Policy

The developer of ChatRakuJourney values your privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of personal information that may be collected and how it is used, stored, and safeguarded.

Information Collected

ChatRakuJourney does not collect any personal information.

How Your Information is Used

Since no personal information is collected, there is no use of such data. By using ChatRakuJourney, you also agree to comply with [Rakuten Developers Terms of service](

Data Security

The developer takes the security of any data seriously and employs industry-standard safeguards to protect it. However, as no personal data is collected, there are no concerns regarding its security in this context.

Changes to This Policy

The developer reserves the right to update this Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on this page, and by continuing to use ChatRakuJourney, you agree to be bound by the updated policy.